To be a Priestess of the Divine Feminine means becoming an embodied leader. It is to step up into service of the Goddess & of yourself. It is to have the ability to truly & deeply recognise the divine in others & in yourself. To be a Priestess is to step into your best self, to lead from the heart, from intuition, from self-knowledge. 

I want you as a Priestess to feel secure in your knowledge of yourself, in your interpretation of the divine, in your intuition & trusting it with such certainty that you feel confident & can truly embody that Priestess-self that I know you have within you.

When you stand as a Priestess, proud, confident, aligned, your life truly is filled with magic & transforms for the better. The people around you will recognise your energetic shift, even if they don’t know why & can’t quite put their finger on it. Healing will happen in your energy, your lineage & where you spend time. You will step into circles of friends & soul family in new ways that feel safe, secure, strong, and the bond between these new connections is unbreakable. When you do the work on yourself, there is so much proof that it impacts all of those around you. When you step up as a Priestess & begin to do this work on yourself, because that is where we start, you will begin to not only understand with a compassionate heart a lot more behaviour of those around you, but you also watch them change & shift as you change & shift, and it is beautiful.

Something I pride myself on with the Sacred Priestess Training is that we start the work by embodiment. We really work to embody these things for ourselves, to connect to these things for ourselves, to understand & experience these things ourselves. I want every single Priestess I train to be a true master of the modalities we learn, & to feel confident in their ability to truly help others. With every single modality, we spend time connecting to ourselves, and then practising & learning it for the use on others. I’m very passionate about this really deep connected understanding that I know you will have when you complete this training.

If you want to learn more, feel free to check out the Sacred Priestess Training Here

With love, always,


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