I am so excited to introduce you to my new, incredible, Archetypal Goddess Healing Journey one-to-one program, it is really is pure magic and it is designed to transform your life.
So what is it?
A little overview for you, it is a 12 week program, with weekly 60 minute one-to-one calls with me to dive into deep and transformational healing.
The purpose of this program is to bring in balance into your life, to bring together all of the magical parts of yourself so they can co-exist in harmony, and to create confidence, clarity and empowerment as you move forward from this incredible journey.
We will be working with an Archetype of the Goddess every two weeks to give us a structure, so let’s get into what it looks like and how its gonna help you…

This is where we will be doing inner child healing and really connecting to your inner child, working through trauma and limiting beliefs and rediscovering all kinds of magical fun that your inner child is craving.
Session One
we will start out by doing a numerology and astrology report and check in followed by our first inner child healing experience.
Session Two
we will check in on how you are feeling so far, do some deeper and more advanced inner child healing and dive into some subconscious belief work.
This is where we will be working with self love and Active Empowerment Coaching to dive deep into how you receive and connect with yourself and those around you.
Session Three
we will begin to dive into work around self-respect, internal boundaries, and receiving as well as use some powerful techniques including Emotional Freedom Techniques to create a tool you can use any time and that you will always have with you to tap into the energy you want to be in.
Session Four
we will address any limiting beliefs that have come up from the internal boundaries work, and then hop into external boundaries work and really create a new, empowering view of the world.


This is where we get energetic and magical, and we will be diving into energy healing including Reiki and Seichem healing and more.
Session Five
we will have an incredible deep relaxation and healing session, where you will receive a combination of energy healing modalities and have a deep healing experience.
Session Six
we will dive into an energy check up before getting into some purpose and service work where we are going to be tapping into why you are here and how you are meant to show up in the world.
this is where we are going to be working with Dea Healing, the Goddess energy healing system I have created and teach, and lean into more divine feminine magic.
Session Seven
we will do some work around the mother wound, do some Dea Healing, and some generational & ancestral work and healing.
Session Eight
we will dive into some self care and abundance work before closing out the session with a final Dea Healing experience.


This is where we will work with oracle cards to gain clarity and direction as well as working with goal setting and manifestation.
Session Nine
we will do some card reading followed by deep, intentional goal setting work.
Session Ten
we will work on manifestation, check on the goals, and create an incredible, empowering manifestation ceremony.
This is where we will work with personalised channelled messages and journeys to guide you on your way into your new, empowered, balanced life.
Session Eleven
we will work on anything that has come up for you before sharing channeled messages for you around exactly what you need in this moment, and then you will have space to share and ask questions and connect with your guides.
Session Twelve
we will go on a deep and magical journey to call all parts of your soul together before diving into a final magical ceremony that will leave you feeling empowered, balanced and free.

This program is perfect for you if you are:
- Looking for some healing and magic to bring your best self out
- Ready to transform your life and find next level balance
- Wanting to reclaim your freedom, time and energy (because it is YOURS not anyone else’s)
- Looking for more than just one modality (with my 9+ years experience and countless certifications, I got you)
- Ready to be treated as a WHOLE magical soul, and not just a number, a pay check or have part of you ignored
- Wanting holistic healing to get to the root cause of how you feel and treat that rather that patching up symptoms