You know that feeling when you lose yourself, & you don’t know what your gut is telling you to do, & you feel overwhelmed & paralysed by indecision, & you just want the clouds to part & an angel to descend from the heavens to tell you what to do, who you are, & how you get to feeling really great about it all?

(Maybe that’s a little specific, but I trust you feel my vibe)

That feeling (the lost bit) is literal gold dust. Let me explain.

In my journaling I was reflecting on what it is that I fear about change & growth:

“I’m scared of losing myself”

Getting richer? I’m scared of losing myself & my values in the money.

Getting fitter? I’m scared of losing myself in vanity.

Getting busier? I’m scared of losing myself in the schedule & chaos.

Getting bigger groups in my programs? I’m scared of getting lost in the group & not being able to lead the way my soul knows how.

So you see how this fear has really got in my way?

The thing I realised whilst journaling is that I have lost myself a million times before, & guess what? I have ALWAYS found myself again.

Not only have I found myself, but I ALWAYS find a deeper, more connected, more authentic version of myself.

Let me just:



It is HUGE (hence the caps lock).

So now, I look at this fear of losing myself… it doesn’t feel so big & scary.

So what if I get richer & lose myself? I will always come back to myself, in fact, a better version of me, who has more fun, more experiences & less financial stress.

So what if I get fitter & lose myself? I will always come back to myself, in fact, a better version of me, who has better energy levels, health & ability to do more.

So what if I get busier & lose myself? I will always come back to myself, in fact, a better version of me, who has mastered scheduling & prioritisation. 

So what if I get bigger groups in my programs & lose myself? I will always come back to myself, in fact, a better version of me, who is a better teacher, guide & mentor.

So if/when I lose myself, I know it only helps me long term.

Let me know how this resonates with you.

With love, always,

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